Vegetable And Fruit Farming

LIVE IN GREEN engages refugee and host community women and youth in vegetable and Fruit farming. Vegetable and fruit production are important source of income for smallholder farmers and demand for the products is raising in both domestic and international markets thus increase smallholder farmers’ participation in the market. As income determines the purchasing power at household level, such that the higher the income, the higher the ability of the households to secure the food requirements of the households and the higher the income, the higher the ability of the households to access better medical and education services and to meet the requirements of the self and his/her households basic needs on a sustainable basis with dignity. Smallholder access to markets for higher-value agricultural products is recognized as a vital opportunity to enhance and diversify the livelihoods of lower-income farm households and reduce rural poverty more generally.

Fruits and vegetables are providing an abundant, cheap source of fibre and several vitamins and minerals. In general, they have the highest nutritional value when eaten fresh. An individual who involved in Fruit and vegetable production can assure his/her household food security, and anaemia levels for individual women caregivers of childbearing age.

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