Refugee and Host Community Education Management involves actual administration of schools including hiring and remuneration of teachers at Nursery, primary and Vocational Schools, as well as Infrastructure development, where we acquire classroom blocks, latrines, teachers’ accommodation, libraries and dormitories to improve the conditions of learning for both the learners and the teachers in the schools.

LIVE IN GREEN also provides scholastic materials like chalk, text books, charts, scheme books, pens as well as furniture like desk and chairs, beds for the dormitories with mattresses, toys for children in the Early Child Development (ECD) centres, school uniforms and much more for the schools we support in the Refugee settings.  We support the functionality of school structures through facilitation of regular school inspection by Education officials, establishment and strengthening of school and education community structures such Parent Teachers Association as well as School Management Committees.

LIVE IN GREEN manages a Primary school (Starlight Parents School) and Bethsaida Vocational School in Kampala.

Refugee and Host Community Education Management remains one of LIVE IN GREEN’s core area of work

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