Bethesda Vocational School

Bethesda Vocational School located at Nabulagala, Kasubi was established in May 2022. The institution intends to train Refugees, widows and Orphans on hands on skills so that they can be able to acquire the skills and apply them to initiate their own Income Generating Activities (IGAs) hence become self-reliant. The Research conducted by LIVE IN GREEN in June 2021, shows that most refugees, widows and Orphans live miserable life due to lack of livelihoods means. This is attributed to their low level of education that makes them unable to compete for the limited available formal jobs. In additional to that, these groups of people also lack skills (vocational skills) and capital that may enable them initiate their own Income Generating Activities. As the result, LIVE IN GREEN identified the need to establish an institution to equip groups with hands on skills.

In 2021, LIVE IN GREEN was able to receive 10 Sewing Machines as a donation from “Tods with a Mission”, this enabled the kick start of the Vocational school. The target groups started to receive trainings on Tailoring, Fashion and Design.

On April 27, 2023, LIVE IN GREEN received 5 sewing machines and other Carpentry and Joinery tools and equipment from WORKAID as donation. These have helped to expand the program.

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