Animal Rearing

In order to eradicate poverty, hunger and Malnutrition among the people we serve, LIVE IN GREEN is training and involving the refugee and host communities in animal rearing activities. Animal rearing is one of the most effective tools in the fight against global poverty. One of the direst needs for people living in poverty is hunger. Hunger reduces productivity and energy, and increases the likelihood of contracting illness and more difficulty fighting off illness. For pregnant women, hunger can lead to a poor birth outcome for both mother and child. In children, hunger stunts healthy growth and development, and even reduces cognitive ability and performance in school. Many children often abandon their education in the settlements, either to help earn income or because all of a family’s income is going towards food costs. Animal husbandry sustainably alleviates these concerns in the short and long term. Domesticated animals like chickens, sheep, cows, and pigs all require day-to-day care, but can provide multiple ways for their caretaker to acquire income! All of these strengthen not only the financial stability of the farmers, but also the economy of the local community.

Animals are often used for their meat to alleviate hunger in the short term, however, by taking care of animals in the long term, animals produce other products and can be utilized in other ways. Some animals produce milk or eggs, which can be extra nutrition or income for the farmers.

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